July Newsletter Update
For this newsletter I did a reading to reach out to you, for you to take what resonates with you. I asked what energies are being played out for July –. The cards I turned were: Two of Pentacles, Judgement, The Star, The Sun, Ten of Pentacles, Nine of Swords, The Hermit
The first thing I noted was that there were four Major Arcana cards turned; Judgement, The Star, The Sun and The Hermit, which represent life lessons and karmic influences that you are currently experiencing, the other three cards are from The Minor Arcana and reflect our daily energies that are passing us by and being played out now. – they are not lesser cards in any way compared to the Major Arcana, they just represent a temporary influence.
Friends are with us when they are meant to be there, we don’t need to work too hard at this – they are angels sent at the right moment and place in time – being close and been far is all part of a good friendship. The connection is key, together with the synchronicities and intuitiveness that you become aware of, its all happening without any help from you.
Babies – lots of babies – Mums and Dads juggling, babies, families, jobs, homes, relationships – You have a lot on your plate, and you need to remember to feel blessed. This busy time will pass, the next stage is on the way. You will have more time to enjoy your blessings soon.
The Hermit